HEY! ¿QUE PASA? よろしく

I'm Michael,   [me llamo miguel]   (マイケルです)

an Artist, Musician, and Programmer from Black Forest, CO.

Recently graduated with a Computer Science BS from the University of Colorado Boulder in May 2020..

and now searching for companies with exciting work! resume

but I'm also an avid producer / jazz-guitarist / fashionisto, and always working on new projects to quench my creative curiousities.

check out some of my stuff on this site, or


• Hosting a live-streamed concert series from my room ft. local artists!

• Building a platform for Artists to get high-quality commissions.

• Performing local solo gigs around Boulder.


• Software Engineer Intern at Scoville Co. in Tokyo, Japan.

• Producing / Releasing my 2nd EP Insight in June 2019.